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Abstract. We isolate a general condition, that we call "localization prin- 
ciple", on the integrand L : M — > [0, oo], assumed to be continuous, un- 
der which W 1,9 -quasiconvexity with q £ [l,oo] is a sufficient condition for 
I(u) = L(Wu(x))dx to be sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous on 
W 1,p (£l; M m ) with p S]l,oo[. We show that this "localization principle" is 
satisfied under hypotheses on L which are related to the concept of fast growth 
integrand introduced by Sychev. 

1. Introduction 

Let m, N > 1 be two integers, let f2 C M. N be a bounded open set with Lipschitz 
boundary, let M := M mxN , where M mxAr denotes the space of all real m x N 
matrices. Let p £]l,oo[, let L : M — > [0, oo] be a continuous function and let 
I : W^ P {VL- W l ) -> [0, oo] be defined by 

I{u) := ( L{Vu(x))dx. 

In [BM84 Ball and Murat introduced the concept of M /1 ' 9 -quasiconvexity for q £ 
[1, oo], i.e., L is W 1,9 -quasiconvex if and only if 

J L (Vu(y)) dy > L(f) for all u £ Z € + Wq' 9 (Y; W n ) 

with lt(y) := £y and Y :=] - §, \[ N , and proved (see [BM84| Corollary 3.2]) that 
J^' p -quasiconvexity is a necessary condition for / to be sequentially weakly lower 
semicontinuous (swlsc) on W 1,p (ft;R m ), i.e., when 

Un u in W 1,p (Q;R m ) implies lim I(u n ) > I(u). 

However, proving that iy 1,p -quasiconvexity, or some variant of it, is also sufficient is 
still an open problem. In this paper we isolate a general condition on L (see (C Pj9 ) 
in Theorem I l.lj) under which M^ 1:9 -quasiconvexity is a sufficient condition for I to 
be swlsc on W 1,p {Vl\ R m ). More precisely, our first main result is the following. 

Theorem 1.1. Given p £]l,oo[ and q £ [l,oo], assume that L is W 1,q -quasiconvex 
and satisfies 

(C p ,g) for every £ £ M and every {v n } n C W^ p (Y;M. m ) such that 

( v n ^l ( in W^ p (Y;W n ); 

| sup / L(Vv n (y))dy < oo, 
K n Jy 

Key words and phrases. Weak lower semicontinuity, W 1,9 -quasiconvexity, Young measures, 



there exist a subsequence {v n }„ (not relabeled) and {w n }n C l( +W ' <1 (Y; M. m ) 
such that 

J |Vw n — Vw n \ — > in measure; 
\ {L(\7w n )} n is equi-integrable. 

Then, I is swlsc on W^(ft;]R m ). 

As a direct consequence of Theorem 11.11 we have 

Corollary 1.2. Given p e]1,oo[, if (C PjP ) holds then W 1 ' p -quasiconvexity is a 
necessary and sufficient condition for I to be swlsc on W ,p (fi;R m ). 

In fact, Acerbi and Fusco (see |AF84] ) showed that W 1,00 -quasiconvexity is suffi- 
cient for / to be swlsc on W 1,p (f2;R m ) provided that L has p-growth, i.e., L(-) < 
a(l + | • | p ) for some a > 0. We remark that the key argument in their proof is in 
fact the following result, which we call "localization principle": 

(A) for every ^eM and every {v n } n C W 1 ' P (Y; R m ) such that 

Vn^k in W lj, {Y;R m ), 

there exist a subsequence {v n } n (not relabeled) and {w n } n C l^+C^°(Y; R m ) 
such that 

J |V«rj — Vw„| — > in measure 
[ {|Vw n | p } ra is equi-integrable. 

Note that (A) is a particular case of the decomposition lemma (for more details see 
Kristensen |Kri94j and also Fonseca, Muller and Pedregal IFMP98] ). Using this "lo- 
calization principle" Kinderlehrer and Pedregal (see |KP92j and also |Syc99| ) proved 
Acerbi-Fusco's theorem by using Young measure theory. Kinderlehrer-Pedregal's 
approach was extended by Sychev (see |Syc05| ) to the case where L has fast growth, 
i.e., (3G(\ ■ |) < £(•) < a(l + G(\ ■ )) for some a,/3 > and some convex function 
G : [0, oo[— > [0, oo[ such that lim^oc tG'(t)/G(t) = oo and tG'(t)/t is increasing for 
large t. We also remark that the key argument in its proof is still a "localization 
principle", more general than (A), i.e., 

(B) for every £ e M and every {v n } n C W 1 ' P (Y; M. m ) such that 

J v n l{ in W 1 ' p (Y;R m ) 
j sup J Q G(\Vv n (x)\)dx < oo, 

there exist a subsequence {v n } n (not relabeled) and {»„}„ C l^+C^°(Y; R m ) 
such that 

J |Vu n — Vw„| — > in measure 
^ {G(\Vw n \)} n is equi-integrable. 

It is easily seen that (C Pi9 ) generalises (A) and (B) in a natural way, i.e., 

J if L has p-growth then (A) implies (C Pi00 ) 
1 if L has fast growth then (B) implies (C Pj00 ), 

which makes that Theorem 11.11 contains Acerbi-Fusco's theorem and Sychev's theo- 
rem in the homogeneous case. (Note that the validity of (Cj, )00 ) implies the validity 
of (C Py q) for all q G [1, oo].) 

According to Theorem 11.11 it is natural to try to find new conditions on L (dif- 
ferent from p-growth and fast growth) under which the "localization principle" is 
satisfied. In this paper, inspired by the work of Sychev (see |Syc0 5 ), we introduce 
conditions on L (see (D1-D3) in Theorem ll.3|) under which (C PiP ) holds for all 



p G]N,oo[. (Note that these conditions are satisfied when L has fast Growth, see 
|Syc05[ Proposition 3.1 and Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4].) More precisely, our second main 
result is the following. 

Theorem 1.3. Assume that L is finite and satisfies: 

(Di) there exists A :]0, oo[— >]0, 1[ such that A(i?) — > 1 as R — ¥ oo and 

hm sup — — — — = 0; 

R -^°° \t\>R Ms) 

(D2) there exists u\ > such that 

£(«0 <ai(l+i(0) 
for all £ e M and all t e]0, 1[; 
(D3) i/iere exist ct2 > and e > such that for every (el and every t £ [0, 1[ 
there exists c^j > for which 

L« + «C + e)<a 2 (l+L(£ + C)) 
/or a// s € [0,t], a// C G M wit/i |C| > c^ t and all e € M wi£/i |e| < e. 
T/ien (Cp, p ) ZioMs /or all p G]N, oof. 

The plan of the paper is as follows. Theorem 1 1.1 1 is proved in Section 3. Its proof 
uses some classical facts on Young measures that we recall in Section 2. (Note that 
it seems to be difficult to prove Theorem 11.11 without using Young measure theory.) 
Finally, Theorem ll.3l is proved in Section 4. 

2. Some facts on Young measures 

Young measures were introduced by Young in 1937 (see |You37j ) with the purpose 
of finding an extension of the class of Sobolev functions for which one-dimensional 
nonconvex variational problems become solvable. In the context of the multidimen- 
sional calculus of variations, Kinderleherer and Pedregal (see [KP921 [KP94] ') and 
independently Kristensen (see |Kri94j ) were the first to use Young measures for 
dealing with lower semicontinuity problems. Relaxation and convergence in energy 
problems were studied for the first time by Sychev via Young measures following a 
new approach to Young measures that he introduced in |Syc 99 . In this section we 
only recall the ingredients that we need for proving Theorem For more details 
on Young measure theory and its applications to the calculus of variations we refer 
to |Ped97llP^d00l|Syc04| . 

Let V(M) be the set of all probability measures on M, let C(M) be the space of all 
continuous functions from M to 1 and let 

C (M) := ($ € C(M) : lim = oj. 

L |£|-K> J 


Here is the definition of a Young measure. 

Definition 2.1. A family (f^ x )xeQ of probability measures on M, i.e., fj, x 6 P(M) 
for all x S ft, is said to be a Young measure if there exists a sequence {£n}ri of 
measurable functions from f2 to M such that 

$(&0 A A*(-)> in for all $ e C (M) 

with ($; ^(.)) := / M In this case, we say that {£„}„ generates (^x)xeo 

as a Young measure. 



The following lemma makes clear the link between convergence in measure and 
Young measures. (The proof follows from the definition.) 

Lemma 2.2. let and {Cn}n be two sequences of measurable functions from 

to M. If generates a Young measure and if |£ n — £ n | in measure then 

{Cn}n generates the same Young measure. 

The following theorem gives a sufficient condition for proving the existence of Young 
measures (for a proof see [Bal89l |Syc04} IFL07] k 

Theorem 2.3. Let 9 : M —> R be a continuous function such that lim^i^oo 9(Q = 
oo and let {£n}n be a sequence of measurable functions from to M such that 

sup / 6(£ n (x))dx < oo. 
n Jn 

Then, {£, n }n contains a subsequence generating a Young measure. 

The following two theorems are important in dealing with integral functionals (for 
proofs see [Bal84| [Syc99] ). 

Theorem 2.4 (semicontinuity theorem). Let L : M — > [0,oo] be a continuous 
function and let {£n}n be a sequence of measurable functions from D, to ML such 
that {£ n }n generates (fJ. x )xen as a Young measure. Then 

lim / L(£ n (x))dx> / (L;fj, x )dx. 
n->oo Jn Jn 

Theorem 2.5 (continuity theorem). Let L : M — > [0, oo] be a continuous function 
and let {£ n }n be a sequence of measurable functions from Q to M such that {£ n }n 
generates (nx)xen as a Young measure. Then 

lim / L{^ n {x))dx = / (L;fi x )dx < oo 
n ^°°Jn Jn 

if and only if {£(£„)}„ is equi-integrable. 

3. Proof of Theorem 11.11 

Let {u n } n C W 1 '*'(fi;M m ) and let u G W 1 ' p (0,;R m ) be such that u n ->• u in 
W 1 ' p (n;M m ). We have to prove that 

(3.1) lim I(u„) > I(u). 

n— >oo 

Step 1: localization. Without loss of generality we can assume that: 

(3.2) ||«„ - u||z,p(n ; R"») 0; 

(3.3) oo > lim I{u n ) = lim I(u n ) and so sup / L(\7u n (x))dx < oo. 
As u n u in W rl >P(0;R TO ) we have 

(3.4) sup / \\7u n (x)\ p dx < oo, 

n Jn 

and so, by Theorem 12. 3[ there exists a family (fi x )xeO of probability measures on 
M such that (up to a subsequence) 

(3.5) {Vu n }n generates (p x )xen as a Young measure. 



From Theorem 12.41 it follows that 

lim I(u n ) > / (L: fi x )dx 

n— >oo JO 

with (because (|3.3I) holds) for a.e. xo G fi, 

(3.6) (i;Mx ) < °°. 

Thus, to prove (|3.ip it is sufficient to show that for a.e. xo G f2, 

(3.7) (L;» X0 ) >L(Vu(x )). 

Step 2: blow up. From (|3.3I) we deduce that there exist / G i 1 (^; [0, oo[) and 
a finite positive Radon measure A on SI with |supp(A)| = such that (up to a 
subsequence) L(SJ u n )dx fdx + A in the sense of measures and for a.e. x$ G O, 

(3.8) lim lim f L(Vu n (x))dx = f(xo) < oo 

r^On^ooJ Xo+rY 

with Y :=} — |, |[ . By the same argument, from (I3.4[) we see that 

(3.9) lim lim / \Vu n (x)\ p dx < oo. 

As u G PF 1 ' p (il;R m ) it follows that u is a.e. LP-differentiable (see |Zie891 Theorem 
3.4.2 p.129]), i.e., for a.e. x Q G Q., 

1 up 
( 3 - 10 ) ^To ^v^P( x o + ') - «(»o) - Vu(x )2/|| iP(ry . Rm) = 0. 

From (I3.2[) we see that (up to a subsequence) for a.e. xo G fi, 

(3.11) |u„(z )-u( : ro)| p 0. 

As C (M) is separable we can assert that for a.e. Xq G fl, x$ is a Lebesgue point of 
<*5At(.)> for a11 * G C (M), i.e., 

(3.12) lim/ (<&,Hx)dx = {$,/i xo ) for all $ G C (M). 

T ^°J xo+rY 

Fix any i eO such that (|3l| , (pO]) . ([3TT0]) . ((3~TTj) and (|3~T2|) hold and fix r > 
such that xo + rY C £1 for all r G]0,ro]. For each n > 1 and each r G]0, ro], let 
ujj G W /1,P (F; M m ) and a family (Hy) y eY of probability measures on M be given by 

<(y) : = J- ("nf^o + ry) - u n (x )) 
Then (J3T5J) (resp. t\'3.9]i ) can be rewritten as 

(3.13) lim lim / L(X7 u r n {x))dx < oo (resp. lim lim / \\7u 7 n (x)\ p dx < oo). 

r— >-0 n— >oo Jy r— >0 n— >oo Jy 

Taking Q3.5P into account it is easy to see that for every r G]0, r ], {V«J|} n generates 
(Py) y( zY as a Young measure, i.e., 

(3.14) *(V<) A ($, in L°°(Y) as n -> oo for all $ G C (M), 
and using p. 121) it is clear that 

(3.15) ($; A jUx ) in as r -> for all $ G C (M). 



On the other hand, we have 

\Wn.r -hu(x )\\ V L p(Y^) = j Y \ u n,r{y) - hu(x„)(y)\ P dy 

= r N+p ^ U n{ x + ') — u n{%o) — 'vu(io) Hz,P(rY;R m ) ' 

and consequently 

i 1 1 n C 

+^v+F ll^o + O - "fro) - Z v «(*o) HiP (rr;Rm) 
with c > which only depends on p. Using (|3.2|) . p. lip and (|3.10p we deduce that 
(3.16) lim lim \\u r n - l Vu i Xo ) \\lp(y-s.™) = 0. 

According to (|3.16[) . (|3.13p and (|3.14p together with (|3.15p . by diagonalization there 
exists a mapping n — > r n decreasing to such that 

IK™ - hu(xo) \\lp(Y;R'™) ~> 

lim f v \\7u'L rl (y)\ p dy < oo, and so sup f v | Vi£ n (y)\ p dy < oo 

n— >oo n 

lim f v L(VuI> {y))dy < oo, and so sup f v L(V 'ul> (y))dy < oo 

, {V«^} n generates fi Xo as a Young measure, 

and consequently we have: 

f « n -Z Vu(xo) m^(F;R-) 
( d - 17 ) < sup/ y L(Vv„(j/))<fy <oo; 

I n 

(3.18) {Vw„}„ generates /x^ as a Young measure, 

where w n := m!>. 


Step 3: using (C Piq ) and VF^-quasiconvexity. According to (|3.17p . by (C P 9 ) 


there exists {w„}„ C ivti(i D ) + W ,q (Y;M. m ) such that 

|V«„ — Vio n | — >• in measure 
L(Vw n ) is equi-integrable, 

hence, by (|3.18p and Lemma [2121 {Vw„}„ generates /it^ as a Young measure, and, 
taking (|3.6p into account, from Theorem 12.51 we deduce that 

(3.19) lim / L(Vw n (y))dy = (L;n X0 ). 

As L is iy 1,9 -quasiconvex, we have 

L(Vw n (y))dy > L(Vu(x )) for all n > 1, 
and (|3.7p follows by letting n — >■ oo and using (|3.19p . ■ 


Remark 3.1. In case q = oo the condition of W^'^-quasiconvexity is the classical 
condition of quasiconvexity by Morrey (see |Mor52j ) . 



Remark 3.2. In fact, we have also proved that if {u n } n C W 1,p (Sl; R m ) is such that 
sup,j Jq L(Vu n (x))dx < oo and if {Vu n } n generates (fi x )xen as a Young measure, 
then for a.e. x £ Cl, fi x is a homogeneous gradient L- Young measure centered at 
Vu{x), with u £ W lj >(il;R m ), provided that u n u in W l ' p {Vt;W n ) and {C p . q ) 
holds with q £ [1, oo]. Homogeneous gradient L- Young measures were introduced 
and completely characterized by Sychev in |SycOO| where we refer the reader for 
more details. 

Remark 3.3. From the proof of Theorem 11.11 we can extract the following lower 
semicontinuity theorem with the biting weak convergence. 

Theorem 3.4. Given p £]l,oo[ and q £ [1, oo], assume that L is W l ' q -quasiconvex 
and satisfies (C Pl ,). Then, for each {u n } n £ W^ifl; R m ) and each u £ W 1 '"^; R m ) 
such that u n u in W ' p (p.\ R m ) and sup n L(X7u n (x))dx < oo, there exists a 
subsequence {u n } n (not relabeled) and a family (fi x ) x ^n of probability measures on 
M such that: 

(i) {Vu n } n generates (fi x ) x ^n as a Young measure; 

(ii) L(\Ju n ) (L; /!(•)), where "— denotes the biting weak convergence; 
(hi) (L; fi x ) > L(\7u(x)) for a. a. x £ f2. 

For a deeper discussion of weak lower semicontinuity in the sense of biting lemma, 
see Ball and Zhang |BZ90] (see also |Syc05| Lemma 3.2] for a simple proof of the 
biting lemma). 

4. Proof of Theorem 11.31 
Let p £]iV,oo[, let £ £ M and let {v n } n C W 1 ' p (Y;R m ) be such that: 

(4.1) v n It in W 1 *(y;R m ) ) and so sup f \Vu n (y)\ p dy < oo; 

n Jy 

(4.2) sup / L{Vv n {y))dy < oo. 

n JY 

As p > N, (|4.ip implies that, up to a subsequence, 

(4.3) \\Vn-kh°>>(Y^)^0- 

Step 1: using the biting Lemma. First, recall Sychev's version of the biting 
lemma (see |Syc05| Lemma 3.2]). 

Lemma 4.1. Let {/„}„ £ L 1 (Y; [0, oof) be such that sup„ f Y f n {y)dy < oo. Then, 
there exist a subsequence {f n }n (not relabeled) and {M n } n c]0,oo[ with M n — > oo 
such that {fnXY^yn is equi-integrable with XY n denoting the characteristic function 
ofY n :={yeY n :f n (y)<M n }. 

Taking (|4.2[) into account, from Lemma I4TT1 that we apply with /„ = L(Vv n ), we 
can assert that, up to a subsequence, 

(4.4) {L{yv n )xY n }n is equi-integrable. 

Let {R n }n c]0, oof be given by R n := ess mf y £ y\Y n \^ v n(y)\- As L is finite and 
continuous, Y \ Y n = {y £ Y : L(Vv n (y)) > M n } and M n — > oo, we have R n — > oo. 
Let {u n }n £ W^iYiM™) be defined by 

u n ■= Kv n with X n := A(i?„), 



where A :]0, oc[->]0, 1[, with X(R n ) -»■ 1, is given by (Di). From ([43]) and we 

(4.5) ||V«„ - Vu„|| LP( y ;Mm xiv) -)• 0; 

(4.6) ||«n-ifi|Uoo ( y^m)->0. 

On the other hand, given any n > 1, L(Vu n ) = L(A n Vu n )xr ra + L(A„Vw„)xy\y ii , 
andsoL(Vu„) < ai(l+L(V«„)xyJ+£(A„Vu„.)xr\Y„ by using (D 2 ). But |Vu„| > 
R n on y £ y \ Y~„ , hence 

L(Vu„) < a x (1 + L(Vw„) X yJ + sup ^^L{\7v n ). 

|f|>-R„ Hi,) 

Taking (|4. 2[) and (I4.4[) into account and noticing that sup| ? | >i?ii — >• by (Di) 

we conclude that 

(4.7) {L(Vw„)}„ is equi-intcgrable. 

Step 2: cut-off method. Given any n > 1, set: 

c„ := c ?: a„ with c S)An > given by (D 3 ); 

6 n := sup L{Q with e > given by (D 3 ). 


(Such a exists because L is finite and continuous. Moreover, up to a subsequence, 
either 9 n — > oo or {9 n } n is bounded.) Let <f> n 6 C£°(Y; [0, 1]) be a cut-off function 
between Q n :=] e "~ 1 , ~ 2 S " and V such that ||</>n||z,=°(y) < ^- with 

1 I 

En : = -7r\\ u n — hWh^fY-m^)- 

(Note that, by gU), e„ -> and 6 n e n -> 0.) Define w„e! ? + W^'^F; M m ) by 

:= If + A„0„(u„ - ^) 
(with A» G]0, 1[ and A„ -)• 1). Then 

Vm„ on Q„ 

£ + A„0„(Vw„ - + ® ( u n ~ k) ° n ^ \ <5»- 

Setting C„ := {y € Y \ Q„ : \Vu n (y) - £| < c n } we have 

(4.8) L{Vw n ) < L(Vm„) + L{Vw n ) X c n + L{Vw n )x Y \{Q n uc n y 

But |£ + \ n <j> n (Vu n - £) + A„V</>„ ® (u n - lf)| < |£| + c„ + 2e„ on C n and e n -> 0, 
hence |£ + A„^n(Vu„ - £) + A„V</>„ (g> (u n - lf)| < |£| + c n + e on C n , and so 

(4-9) L(Vw„)xc„ <0nXY\Q n - 

Moreover, as \X n (j)n\ < A n , |Vu n -£| > c„ on Y\(Q„UC n ) and |A„V0„® (tt„-Zf)| < 
2e„ — ► 0, from (D 3 ) we see that 

(4-10) L(Vw n ) X Y\(Q n uc n ) < aa(l + £(Vu»)). 

Combining (|4.9[) and (|4.10[) with (|4.8[) we deduce that for every n > 1, 

i(V%) < »„Xy\Q„ + (or a + 1)(1 + £(Vn„)). 

Taking (|4.7p into account and noticing that 9 n \Y \ Q n \ = (N + o(l))6 n e n — > 0, we 
deduce that 

{L(Vw„)}„ is equi-integrable. 




On the other hand, it is easy to see that there exists K > 0, which only depends 
on p, such that 

\Vw n - Vtinl* < K (|£| p + \Vv n n ((1 - X n f + X Y\ Qn ) + Kel. 

Taking (14. ip into account and recalling that \ n — > 1, \Y \ Q n \ —> and e n — > 0, we 
deduce that ||Vio n — Vu n \\ L p( Y :M mxN ) ~^ 0, and so ||Vi;„ — 'Vw n \\x / pfY;M m >< N ) ~ ► 
by combining with (|4. 5[) . It follows that 

\S7v n — Vw n \ — ¥ in measure, 

and the proof is complete. I 

Acknowledgments. I gratefully acknowledges the many comments of M. A. Sy- 
chev during the preparation of this paper, and for the lectures on "Young measures 
and weak convergence theory" that he gave at the University of Nimes during may- 
june 2011. 

The author also wishes to thank the "Region Languedoc Roussillon" for financial 
support through its program "d'accueil de personnalites etrangeres" which allowed 
to welcome M. A. Sychev, from the Sobolev Institute for Mathematics in Russia, 
in the Laboratory MIPA of the University of Nimes. 


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